Your professional guide through the research process


Our team is led by two experienced professional research consultants within the academic context led by Hennie Gerber and Monique Kock. Our research consultants are experienced in a diverse range of academic contexts of which are inclusive but not limited to research psychology, statistics, linguistics, and education. The team has a vast amount of experience in the facilitation of workshops within the higher academic setting. We strive for excellence through a student-centred approach and ensure that our clients fully understand the subject area that is being facilitated. 

Furthermore, our team is involved with consulting various fields of disciplines through means of research consulting services on corporate and academic research projects for qualitative and quantitative research approaches.



Hennie Gerber

Quantitative researcher

Contact Hennie:

083 229 9993

Hennie Gerber is a Statistician and member of the South African Statistical Association(SASA) from 1996. He started his career at the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) consulting various researchers in the biological sciences in 1996. 

In 2000 he moved to the Academic field where he consulted Master’s and PhD students as well as lecturers with academic articles at the University of South Africa. 

In 2008 he started the company Statistical Consulting Services(later changed to HR Statistics) with Robert Hall. He operated as an independent consultant to various Universities consulting students and lecturers as well as businesses with larger projects. 

He presents at conferences, facilitate workshops and lectured at various Universities for both undergraduate and postgraduate students within the field of Statistics as well as Masters and PhD students busy with quantitative research.

He has completed his Master’s degree in Statistics. He developed a new honours course in Statistics, while lecturing and authored a few chapters in the book Marketing Research 3rd edition by Wiid and Diggines.

He is an external examiner for some Universities and is used as quantitative expert on the Ethics Committee of a Business School.

Extensive Experience in:

Experience in various statistical packages like:

Monique Kock

Qualitative researcher

Contact Monique:

082 928 1286

Monique Kock is an experienced qualitative research specialist. She started her career within the field of academia at The University of South Africa (Unisa) and a lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University of Pretoria.

She has trained and consulted with clients from various industries that is inclusive of the higher education sector and market research companies.

Monique has gained a vast amount of knowledge in qualitative research methodologies and facilitates Computer Aided Qualitative Data Analysis software employing ATLAS.ti as the software of choice.

She has presented at conferences, facilitated workshops and lectures for both undergraduate and postgraduate students within the field of psychology and research.

Monique is a registered professional ATLAS.ti trainer and a full-time research consultant in which her services includes, but are not limited to: Qualitative research methodologies, transcribing, co-coding services, research project management, facilitation of research related workshops, proposal development, qualitative research report writing processes, language editing and more. For any queries related to Qualitative research methods or processes please ensure to contact her.

Extensive Experience in:

Experience in qualitative analysis packages: